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Beyond Beliefs- A Guide to Improving Relationships and Communication for Vegans, Vegetarians, and Meat Eaters

Beyond Beliefs- A Guide to Improving Relationships and Communication for Vegans, Vegetarians, and Meat Eaters 評價





Beyond Beliefs- A Guide to Improving Relationships and Communication for Vegans, Vegetarians, and Meat Eaters

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Beyond Beliefs- A Guide to Improving Relationships and Communication for Vegans, Vegetarians, and Meat Eaters


Geometry Power Pack

Barron’s Regents Power Pack- Biology-The Living Environment



Vegans, vegetarians, and meat eaters can feel like they’re living in different worlds. Many vegans and vegetarians struggle to feel understood and respected in a meat-eating culture, where some of their most pressing concerns and cherished beliefs are invisible, and where they are often met with defensiveness when they try to talk about the issue. They can become frustrated and struggle to feel connected with meat eaters. And meat eaters can feel disconnected from vegans and vegetarians whose beliefs they don’t fully understand and whose frustration may spill over into their interactions. The good news is that relationship and communication breakdown among vegans, vegetarians, and meat eaters is not inevitable, and it is reversible. With the right tools, healthy connections can be cultivated, repaired, and even strengthened.

In Beyond Beliefs, internationally recognized food psychology expert and longtime relationship coach Dr. Melanie Joy provides easy-to-understand, actionable advice so you can:
? Learn the principles and tools for creating healthy relationships
? Understand how to communicate about even the most challenging topics effectively
? Recognize how the psychology of being vegan/vegetarian or of being a meat eater affects your relationships with others, and with yourself


  • 作者: Joy, Melanie, Ph.D./ Freston, Kathy (FRW)
  • 原文出版社:Roundtree Pr
  • 出版日期:2017/10/10
  • 語言:英文

Beyond Beliefs- A Guide to Improving Relationships and Communication for Vegans, Vegetarians, and Meat Eaters


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